What Not To Say On A UK Adult Cam Site

UK adult camWhat Not To Say On An Adult Cam

You’ve got to be careful with UK adult cam sites. There is so much excitement and attraction in the air and in the room when you first start using adult sex sites that double as adult cam sites (because not all of them have video feeds) that you risk saying something stupid and ruining the whole date. It’s all about staying cool under pressure, even if you just want to say you are hot shit all the time.

It’s important to know what to say if you want to get casual sex. When I first got into adult cam sites, I basically could not hold back. I told every woman I videod with that I wanted to have sex with them. I just could not think of anything else to say, so I went for it. That was a couple years ago, and today I have a lot more tact. In fact, it’s really about what not to say for sex that get’s you the casual sex in the end. Trust me: when you are dealing with adult sex sites you need to remember that you are dealing with adult women who know that they want, and want to be treated with respect. No one minds being told they are sexy, but not all women want to know that all you want to do is have sex with them. There are tons of great adult cam sites out there for you to get started with, so why not get looking? I’ve put together a list of what not to say on adult cam sites, especially if you want casual sex out of a date. So take a look and try to be your best self on adult cam sites, because women will see right through your games like they saw through mine. Of course I developed a much better system than just saying “I want to have sex with you”. This new system is why I love adult cam sites again, and why I think they are so good for getting casual sex in the UK.

Adult Cam Sites: What Not To Say

To begin with, you gotta stay away from talking about her past relationships. Here’s the thing: everyone has a complicated relationship past. Everyone has been through stuff with people that you never met that have radically changed their lives. Sure you might be curious to know about it, but why would you start a video conversation by talking about some sad stuff that happened years ago? I made this mistake once, and it never turned around for me. We had a pretty awkward 15 minute conversation on an adult cam site, and afterwards I never heard back from her. Ladies want no commitment, no serious questions, no added emotional stuff. That’s why talking about her past relationships is what not to say for sex.

Instead of talking about her past relationships, why not mention how great her skin looks in the light of the room? Or how powerful her eyes are cutting through the two screens that separate you. Something alluring and sensual is the way to go – but that takes confidence. Do you have the confidence to be charming on adult cam sites? If you have never tried them, then be prepared to feel awkward for the first 5 or so minutes, as you both get accustomed to the scenario. Always go back to mentioning how beautiful she looks like, or what her day was like, rather than trying to ask deep questions about her past or her identity. Let those questions happen later, in person, once you have known each other for a bit.

Adult Cam Sites: Don’t Ask About Her Body

Asking about her body is the only other thing you should never do on an adult cam site. Going that direction brings it all back to a deeply personal and self-conscious level for her. Even if you think saying something positive would help the conversation go forward: don’t bother. You’ll say something positive but she’ll immediately turn it into something negative and turn it against you. Well, she might not turn it against you, but she definitely won’t hear your compliments. Especially in the UK, where women are pretty self-conscious about their weight, it really is the last thing to mention to a woman on an adult cam site.

Instead of her body, why not talk about her hobbies? She definitely has a hobby that would be more fun to talk about than her body issues. So ask her something about what her average weekend is like: Does she go out a lot? Does she do a lot of athletic stuff? Or more games? Keeping it at this level will bring her into the conversation to stay because it shows her you are more interested in her than just for casual sex. Even if casual sex is all you want, it’s a smart move to avoid talking about sex on UK adult cam sites. That way the tension and desire builds on both ends, and it’s more likely for you to meet up in person.